
Cici Thư Đinh

Hello, my name is Cici and I am an aspiring writer who writes all kinds of stories, mostly romance, tragedy and sometimes even horror. I'm also an English student with a specialisation in Business English. I have many talents and have also delved into art, coding, crocheting, etc. and I'm planning to make a game of my own too if I have the time.Now that the introduction is out of the way, let me introduce you to some of my work!


Alone is a short emotional work that has artistic re-imagine of what happened after my first break up. It is a very personal work and it contains a lot of emotions in it, some of it was sadness, anger, desperation and acceptance. Only half of what I wrote in there are actually true but due to it is being based of my real life, I cannot reveal which one is real and which one is not. But all of that aside, this is a very important work in my life and I hope you can feel it too when you read it.

Poem of Two Lovers

Two very short poem written from the perspective of my two OCs, Vinnie and Cero. This work has two chapters, the first one is from Vinnie to Cero and vice versa. The Vinnie's poem to Cero is not only a confession but also a plead for Cero to look past what is holding them back and be with Vinnie who loves them. It also talks about how Vinnie is incredibly patient and honest about how she feels about them. The second poem delves into Cero's self-loathing and their inability to move on from the past, therefore, rejecting those who love them, it ends with Cero rejecting Vinnie's confession. Thus, their love for each other never got to fruition.

Spores: A Halloween Poem about Decomposition

When I was studying as British Literature class as an English Major, my professor gave us an assignment to write a Halloween poem. In the span of 30 minutes, I wrote this poem about spores, mortality, death, decay and how they intermingle with life itself. So far, I think it's one of my best works along with the two other ones above.


You can contact me through my Email, Tumblr, Instagram that I linked below. But I prefer communication through Discord since it's the quickest way to get to me and it's my go-to communication app. Thank you for being interested in me and my work!